A Word From Our Founder, Ray Garza

Hello! I am Ray Garza! My wife Alexandria and I are happy to introduce you to our cartoon children: ito and ita! In 2017, I had a serious stroke that almost took my life...but I am still here to fullfill my legacy! It has been my life long desire to bring ito and ita to life! It is our vision to bring joy and education to over 1 million pre-schoolers around the world through our books and cartoon series.

My wife and friends like you are helping me accompish this vision. I know there is a need for wholesome, fun edutainment for our next and future generations. We believed we are called to produce creative and faith-filled content for our children, grandchildren, neices, newphews, friends, neighbors and all those little children in our lives!

Will you help us do it?

We are lauching a crowding funding campaign for the first of our childrens books and to be followed by our online cartoon series. We would love to include your input as one of our publishers! Find out more about the perks of joining the ito and ita family!

Stay Connected with the ito and ita Family!

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